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November 4, 2024 AYSO R870 Board Meeting

7pm, Senior Center, Lebanon

Present:Tricia Costa, Dana Vugteveen, Vince Waterhous, Eddy Jimenez, Nicky Brennen, Jim Beers, Barbara Anderson

Save the Date: Saturday January 11, 2025 Annual Board Meeting Location TBD

Location has not been determined yet. Possibly check to see about doing it at a Firehouse. Tricia will check to see about doing it at the Lebanon Firehouse. Potluck Breakfast starts at 8:30am and meeting starts at 9am and goes until about 4pm.

Candidate for ARC Albany: Debra Lee.  Hoping to come to the board meeting.

Debra reached out to Tricia about possibly filling the Albany ARC position. Tricia will work with Debra to get her trained as an ARC and possibly help out with headspearing fundraising. Tricia will have Debra help solicit to find a fundraising coordinator.

It was voted on by the board unanimously for Debra to take over the ARC for Albany.

Reach out to solicit for a Fundraiser Coordinator.

Tricia will have Debra help finding a Fundraising Coordinator.

Updating Playup/Playdown Request form: Work with Nicky to update the new form.

The divisions need to be updated to even numbers and it also needs to be shared with the registrar.

Region Survey:  Working with Nicky to send out a region survey.

Tricia would like to have a survey to send out (example below) to send to the region to get feedback from families about their experience during the fall season.

Dear Region,

We are eager to get many different perspectives.

What are the 5 things that make a good game? We practice. We practice. We play.  

When you leave the field after the game, what makes you feel you are appreciative of getting to spend time watching your son/daughter play.

If there are any concerns that you have not voiced that you are concerned about please include that also.

Hope everyone is healthy.

Discussion of the area tournament having official cut off on Wednesday 11/6 for confirmation.

Removal of nets from goals, goals move off the pitch (After Tournament)

Nets need to come off the goals and go into the sheds. Tricia will reach out to Rachel in Central Linn to see if the goals will go back to Central Linn or if they will stay over here. Vince and Dana said that one of the goals from Central Linn was broken before it was picked up.

Dana said that he has a trailer that is available for using to get goals picked up and taken back to their locations. Dana is available after November 17 to move goals. Vince said there are 6 sandbags that need to go back with the goals to Lebanon and the cart for hauling.

Date is TBD upon availability.

Coach for B12U-EXTRA National Team:

In need of a coach for the 12U Extra team

Coach for B14UCoEd National Team:

In need of a coach for the B14U CoEd  team

Possible interest from a Middle School Parent and Birdie as an assistant coach.

Reach out to schools with Turf to try and get access for National Teams to be able to practice.

Intermediate Training available at the Expo in Reno in February 21-23rd.

Spring Game Schedules:  When will the board get to review schedules?

Mariana was unable to attend. Tricia will reach out to see how the schedules are coming along.

Schedules need to be completed and ready for the board to see by the annual retreat meeting on January 11th.

Schedules will be published by March 1st for teams.

10U and 12U need to be 90 miute pockets to encourage teams to come early for warm up and have access to the pitch for shots on goal, etc before start of game.

The board has decided that the slots will be moved to a 90 minute slot in the schedules.

Request for EXTRA to have games in AM as not to conflict with Core Games.

How do people feel about having the U12 competitive teams only play on the competitive team and have 2 - 3 practices with said team and 1 - 2 games a weekend.  I have had several parents come to me with this group that had the same question.  They feel that with the Core and EXTRA practices and games it is a bit much for their little ones.  Also, I had several games where my players' Core games were conflicting with their EXTRA game.

After looking around at the AYSO teams around the nation, it seems that several EXTRA teams are not requiring their U12 teams to be on both Core and EXTRA.  They leave it up to each individual family to decide if they want to participate in both teams.  Also, I did find it in the Nationals Guidelines that as long as the Competitive team does not take more than 20% of players from the division the region can vote to have their Competitive team play on only one team and not both Core and Competitive.  Since the families are already paying for Core Registration and the Competitive teams registration, I am sure if we increased the Competitive Registration to cover what it would have cost to play on both teams, the region doesn't miss out on any revenue and we can start to build a truly competitive region here in the Willamette Valley in our Youth Soccer Programs.

What are your thoughts?  Do you have any input on not making it a requirement to participate in both Core and EXTRA?

The board had discussed the request and decided that 12U will continue to be required to play on a CORE team.

Concerns about roster size when it comes to participation in AREA Tournament

There was an issue with a 10U team that had 13 players on the roster, but the tournament rules state the roster can only be 12 players. We need to make sure to watch roster sizes with the Area Tournament in mind. Watch and analyze previous tournament rosters.

AREA Tournament Rules:

Porta pots costs, vs team fees.  Would like to balance expenditures.

If the tournament happens Tricia wants to ask for Region 870’s team fee’s to be waved to help offset the costs of the porta pots.

Barbara brought up the question of when Spring Registration will open. It was decided that Spring registration will open on January 13th. Jim will send out an email to coaches to assess how many players will be returning or dropping for Spring season.

Jim would like to have a 5U Volunteer to help spearhead the School yard program. He believes there needs to be a volunteer in Lebanon and one in Albany. He has done it this last fall season, but would like to have someone else help out with it.

Jim would like to have the Boys 14U National Team get together to start practicing. It was approved for the team to start practices.

Meeting Adjournment: 9:02pm

Contact Us

AYSO Region 870

PO Box 1923 
Albany, Oregon 97321

Email Us: [email protected]