AYSO Alliance is a competitive program for players/teams who want to play in both internal and external gaming circuits as members of both AYSO and US Youth Soccer or US Club Soccer. Alliance is a program designed to support the AYSO player development pathway to the highest levels of play. Players will try out for Alliance teams and only train and play with their AYSO Alliance team. Players may choose to also participate on a core program team but are not required to.
Teams will be formed based on the number of players registered. Tryouts will be held only if there are more players than spots available and for placement purposes only. Tryouts will be held at a time and location to be determined by the Area Alliance Coordinator after May 4th.
To register for Alliance, click the Register Now button. If you have an existing AYSO account you will need to create a new account and use the same email address as your existing account.
- Consistent development programs.
- Age appropriate implementation of the four pillars of soccer (technical, tactical, physical, and psychosocial).
- Competitive training and playing environment at all ages.
- Elimination of parental agendas from the development process.
- Application of appropriate year-round programs (indoor, futsal, camps, clinics, etc.).
It is the objective of the AYSO ALLIANCE program is to create the right environment for all levels of soccer, including the elite player, enabling each player to reach their own true potential.
Goals and Objectives will be accomplished by utilizing and respecting the AYSO philosophies:
The program mandates that every player in the program play a minimum of half of every league or tournament game.
The coaching program will be enhanced because of the skills of the AYSO ALLIANCE coaches. Accordingly, AYSO ALLIANCE coaches, as representatives of AYSO will be held to a higher standard of positive coaching and good sportsmanship than regular Primary Program coaches.
AYSO ALLIANCE Coaches, Players, and Volunteers/Parents will be representing AYSO in a competitive venue; consequently, the program expects and will enforce a higher standard of conduct and behaviors for all participants.
All eligible players (as defined below) will be given proper notice and opportunity to try out for an AYSO ALLIANCE team.
Teams will be picked by the AYSO ALLIANCE Team Coach/es. How the teams perform within the non-AYSO gaming circuit will be the only true form of balancing, i.e., divisional success based on participating with players of a similar level playing in the same division.
If multiple teams exist within an ALLIANCE for the same age/gender:
- There may be multiple teams in certain age groups and this may include “A/B/C” team formations, which could be labeled ALLIANCE Blue, Red or White. Each coach will pick the best team they can. How the teams perform and ultimately, the level at which they play, will depend on the talent of the players and the coaching they receive.
The AYSO ALLIANCE program gives players a chance to develop their soccer skills through competitive play under the direction of some of our most experienced and best-trained coaches. Players are given the platform to maximize their development and potential within AYSO.